About the Practice
Problem Statement:

MCC sleeves for joining the pipes could be used in automobiles sectors and helping in changing the rear wheel without putting the vehicle in horizontal. It makes the work very easy and simple from their innovations. Another innovation Auto-stop water tap could conserve the water. A large amount of water is wasted due to leakage of water in cities of many parts of India or world. It can conserve the water there precious resources for the survival of human being on earth. Source: http://nif.org.in/innovation/Collapsible_MS_Sleeve_for_Joints/90


Collapsible MS sleeve for joining RCC pipes, as mild steel plate. It is useful in saving optical fiber being damaged by the rat or others. These joints could be used in several automobiles industries like Jack for two or three wheelers, which help in replacing the wheel without putting the vehicle in horizontal positions. Besides that the innovator also developed a Auto-stop water tap which could be useful for the conservation of wastage of water at public area. This innovation could utilize in public area for minimizing the loss in water resources management.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Anand V. Gogte
Address: Consultant Engineer 112 / 3, Erandavne ''AMRUT'' Anand Colony, Off. Prabhav Road,
City: Pune
State: Maharashtra
PIN Code 411004

Practice Details

Link: Collapsible MS sleeve for joining RCC pipes having a mild steel plate can protect the the optical fiber cable and similar cable damaging form rats. This innovation also usedin automobile and can save the time and energy during the replacement of wheel. Their other innovation can conserve the water resources from wastage Source: http://nif.org.in/innovation/Collapsible_MS_Sleeve_for_Joints/90
Manufacturing Capacity: a) Turnkey solution, b) Design Support, c) Sub-contracting, d) Licensing, e) Franchising, f) Any other:
Problem Scale: 1) India 2) Around the world

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1198

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