About the Practice
Problem Statement:

efficiency, smoke free and socio economic development in the rural india. http://nif.org.in/innovation/multiutility_fuel-efficient_stove/96

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: S J Joe
Address: STL 16/661.d, Francis Road,Calicut,
City: Kozhikode, Kerala
State: Kerala
PIN Code 637003,

Practice Details

Link: It is smoke free, vapour free and stove has inbuilt water jacket for steam generation. It can operate for 14 hrs per litre kerosene. It is available in single double and multi burner units in depending on the requirements. http://nif.org.in/innovation/multiutility_fuel-efficient_stove/96
Manufacturing Capacity: a) Turnkey solution, b) Design Support, c) Sub-contracting, d) Licensing, e) Franchising, f) Any other:
Photo Links:

Problem Scale: 1) India 2) Around the world

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1218

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