About the Practice
Problem Statement:

Temperature control regulation of fan speed


Many times at night the temperature goes down, and one has to physically get up from sleep and reduce the fan speed, which is quite irritating. The innovator has come up with an electronic system that will automatically adjust the rotational speed of the room fan according to the room temperature enabling a person to sleep peacefully and comfortably.http://nif.org.in/innovation/temperature_-regulated_-fan/60

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Narayan Das Jethwani
Address: C/o, Shiva Shakti Enterprise, Block C - 1/14, Jajodia Mkt.,S.F. Road, Tal-Siliguri,
City: Darjeeling
State: West Bengal
PIN Code 734405

Practice Details

Link:  Widely applicable  Easy to use  Economic  User Friendly
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support, c) Sub-contracting, e) Franchising
Problem Scale: Wide

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1244

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