bamboo stripping and incense stick making device, useful for small scale industries
Bamboo sticks are used in the Agarbatti (incense stick) industry. For processing of bamboo, electricity operated high capacity machines are suitable for industries but not for smaller rural communities who use knife to make strips and sticks. The machine is a set of two devices, one for making bamboo strip and another for incense stick. The first machine is used to slice the bamboo pieces of definite size, thickness and length. The slices cut are then fed into the strip making machine to produce the sticks.
Link: Easy to use & maintain, most suitable for the rural/tribal people who can use this machine comfortably, apart from their regular domestic chores. Manually operated, reduced drudgery and risk of injuries to the rural people Easily accommodate at house as it very compact and do not occupy much space. On an average one person can earn minimum Rs. 100 to 150 Rs. by using any one or both of these machines. The machine is capable of providing gainful/ supplementary employment to rural and tribal areas.
Manufacturing Capacity: a) Turnkey solution, b) Design Support, c) Sub-contracting, d) Licensing, e) Franchising, f) Any other:
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