About the Practice
Problem Statement:

machine that could break a tender coconut, draw out its water and cool it instantaneously. He also wanted to simplify the difficult process of cutting open the coconuts.


Tender coconut is not easily available to the Indian middle class population, mainly due to the fact that most of the tender coconut sales are unorganized and the sales points are not accessible to the middle class easily. Tender coconut has the potential to steal the market from the carbonated drinks if made available at key locations that are not covered by tender coconut vendors currently. The idea of making such machine came from the dearth of an invention which could break a tender coconut and simultaneously draw out its water and cool it instantaneously. He was also in hunt of developing machine to reduce human efforts involved in breaking coconuts.The tender coconut breaking and instant cooling machine has a customized cutter (using hydraulic power) for cracking the coconut. Once the coconut gets cracked, the coconut water goes into the water cooler through the tray, placed under the blades. The base of this cooler is covered with a layer of sand upon which large ice cubes are kept. Flexible pipes are sandwiched between the ice cubes and sand. The coconut water passes through these pipes and gets cooled to a temperature about 14-15 degree C. It holds 10 kg ice at a time , which is sufficient for serving about 400 glasses of coconut water each of 200 ml.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Vinod Mahadeviah
Address: Bhemasandra Village, C N Halli Taluka, District -Tumkur,572214 & Recent updated address)- 560010 main, Rajaji Nagar, 1st block, Bangalor , Karnataka
City: Bangalor
State: Karnataka
PIN Code 560010

Practice Details

Link:  The design and concept of breaking coconut and simultaneously drawing out and cooling the water is new  It eliminates drudgery involved in cracking/breaking the coconut/toddy/nuts and one can also earn from jelly  Current and future application areas like Coconut water cooling, water cooling, juice cooling etc
Manufacturing Capacity: a) Turnkey solution, b) Design Support, c) Sub-contracting, d) Licensing, e) Franchising, f) Any other:
Photo Links:

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1283

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