About the Practice
Problem Statement:

• Instability in grid caused due to unpredicted power input in grid. • Surge in grid frequency. • Surged grid frequency leading to the blackout of grid segments. • Unequal load generation and distribution. • Over surge in grid power flow capacity leading to equipment overloading and failures. • Leading to unwanted power generation from non-renewable energy sources.


Today renewable energy generation is increasing at a rapid pace. This will gradually lead to the creation of a decentralized electricity grid which will pose greater challenges of grid stabilization. Stabilizing such a decentralized grid requires integrating the ability to forecast grid parameters and respond appropriately within the grid. • This project has developed a forecasting technology called km-technology (km-tech) that uses golden search interpolation techniques, Fibonacci functions, robust regression algorithms and novel advanced neural networks to give accurate forecast of electricity price, effective load, wind energy and grid frequency. • Km-technology can be applied with any forecasting tool to improve the accuracy of predictions/ to improve the performance of the existing forecasting tools, which uses sophisticated proprietary mathematical functions to read the system behaviour. Accurate, near real-time price and load predictions may eventually lead to shifting of transmission peaks, better outage management and distribution system.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: V S K Murthy Balijepalli
Address: IIT Bombay
City: Mumbai
State: Maharashtra
PIN Code 400076

Practice Details

Link: • Grid instabillization is prevented by accurate forecasting technique. • Power surge in grid can be prevented efficiently. • Government bodies can plan electrical power generation from non-renewable energy and can save fuel costs. • Optimal grid frequency is maintained and prevents unexpected frequency surge. • Maintaining optimal grid frequency can prevent blackout of grids
Manufacturing Capacity: b) Design Support
Problem Scale: Around the world.
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GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1313

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