Diagnosis of spot macular degeneration http://gyti.techpedia.in/files/GYTI-BOOK-color.pdf
Age related macular degeneration affects over 25 million people worldwide and results in loss of vision partially with no consistent means of diagnosing its occurrence on time. The loss in vision is a result of the damage caused to the central part of the retina. Amsler Grid Test is the easiest and quickest way to spot macular degeneration. Amsler Grid is like graph paper with a dot at the centre. Person focuses on the central dot and marks on the paper wherever he sees distorted or blurred lines. Such results, however, are difficult to maintain in a database or compare. This android app for taking Amsler Grid Test provides an interactive and efficient medium for diagnosing the disease. It can store database of the results, share it with the doctor, and also enables the user to draw distinguished patterns for different types of distorted areas apart from providing audio and text assistance while using the app.
Link: The easiest and quickest way to spot macular degeneration using Android app using grids. Can store the result Provide text and audio assistance http://gyti.techpedia.in/files/GYTI-BOOK-color.pdf
Manufacturing Capacity: d) Licensing
Problem Scale: 1) India 2) Around the world
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