Tea Making Machine
In this machine, the water, tea leaves, sugar and liquid milk are taken automatically from different containers within the machine and are boiled in a vessel equipped with a heater. The water is collected from the container in this heating vessel with the help of a pump. After the water boils for some time, tea leaves and sugar are added from their respective chambers (placed just above the heating vessel) with the help of a motor operated mechanism. This mixture is boiled for some time and thereafter liquid milk is added from the milk container with the help of a motor operated pump. This whole mixture is then boiled for about 30seconds to one minute and the tea is ready. The tea is then poured into cups with the help of an outlet tube and motorized pump. The boiling time at each stage and the timing of the operation is controlled with the help of a mechanical timer. This mechanical timer will be replaced with an electronic timer in future versions.
Link: This device has the capacity to store tea-leaves and sugar for a month and milk and water have to be filled only once a day. There is even a provision for personalising the taste of the tea by varying the proportion of tea-leaves and sugar. Since processing happens in a closed system, contamination or evaporation of milk is minimized. By circulating hot water in the system, the entire unit can be cleaned effectively. The heater being of low capacity, the machine can also be run with the help of an inverter during power black-outs. This machine is easy to build and operate, and requires minimal maintenance.
Manufacturing Capacity: Yes
Problem Scale: Mild with global application