About the Practice

The variety developed by Manaram is an early maturing, less water-dependent, and is superior in taste to other local varieties. This variety takes 110-115 days after transplanting as compared to the normally cultivated varieties (125-140 days) and has higher yield (40 metric tons bulbs per hectare) than the commercially cultivated varieties (25-30 metric tons bulbs per hectare) in the area. The variety has attained wide popularity in the northern states (Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab and Haryana) for its taste and performance. The variety was tested and validated for its performance at Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute Durgapura, Rajasthan during Rabi 2015-16 and 2016-17. Deputy Director, Agriculture (Extension), Sikar and ARS, Durgapur, Jaipur had appreciated the variety developed by Manaram, especially recognizing the taste and good performance under drought conditions.

About the Innovator

Knowledge Provider / Innovator: Shri Manaram Choudhury
Address: Village Sanvloda Ladkhana,
City: Sikar
State: Rajasthan
PIN Code 332315

Practice Details

Link: The Rashidpura Pyaz (Sanwaloda Selection) onion variety is suitable for the wide onion cultivated areas. The salient features of the variety are as follow: Highly adaptable to varying climatic conditions for Rabi and Kharif cultivation. Higher yield (40 tons bulbs/ha) Delicious taste as compared to commercially cultivated local varieties Early maturing (110-115 days) It requires less irrigation and can thrive well under drought conditions
Blog Link 2:

GIAN Reference: GIAN/UAL/1585

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